Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig | Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee

Ailfeddwl am fwyd yng Nghymru | Rethinking food in Wales


RFW 03


Ymateb gan : Gardd Farchnad Glebelands Cyfyngedig

Evidence from : Glebelands Market Garden Limited


Look for a more ambitious TAN6 / Use of Devolved Planning Powers.


Most Producer Challenges lead back to Big Retailers + their Mkt Dominance.


Apply Bus Rates to Larger Retail Car Parks (or argue for devolved power to do so).


Change Alcohol Duty Rates to make consumption in pubs cheaper than retailers.


Enable opening of farmshops; introducing farmshop retail category ie minimum % age of onsite production but wide enough range of bought in to be viable.  (Next to zero openings in recent years and v. ltd operations).


Polytunnels; introduce definition to cover farm / mkt garden scale ie between hobby tunnel and 3 acres of Herefs fruit.  This would open up gap away from poor English situation.


Action on Welsh milling grain; subsidise capacity or processing kit eg Puffin for milling wheat site.


Action on Welsh Oats; subsidise or support Welsh Porridge + Oat brand (as per NI, Irish Republic + Scotland) with N + S processing sites.  Much more valuable to process here rather than keep sending to Morning Foods or use as feed.


Action on Barley + Malting (+ hops) for buoyant Brewery sector.  Welsh ingredients entirely doable.  Farming Connect project?


Look at poor land use of significant areas of GrI+II across S.Pembs and Vale of Glamorgan.


Adam York